About CLSC Music

CLSC Music is built on the idea that music is more than just sound — it’s a community, a network, and a lifelong journey. Founded by Christian Casey, CLSC Music serves as both a platform for musical artistry and a hub for piano service that enriches the local music scene.

Through CLSC Piano Service, we are committed to supporting musicians, educators, and young technicians by providing high-quality piano care while also creating opportunities for the next generation of technicians to gain hands-on experience and build valuable connections within the music industry.

CLSC Piano Service:

A Mission Beyond the Piano

CLSC Piano Service is a dedicated branch of CLSC Music, focusing exclusively on piano tuning, repair work, and technician training while also giving back to teaching studios, academies, and programs that sustain the local music communities.

Through the CLSC Music Referral Program, participating studios and academies receive ongoing financial support — not just a one-time donation. Every time a referred student maintains their piano, a contribution is made to their program, creating a continuous cycle of support. This model ensures that teachers and institutions benefit while their students receive expert piano care, making it a true win-win for everyone involved.

At the same time, our technicians — all of whom are musicians themselves — gain valuable hands-on experience, providing them a unique way to connect with the broader music community.

Meet the Owner:

Christian Casey

I started CLSC Music as a way to showcase my work as a pianist and composer, drawing from my background with two bachelor’s degrees in music — one in Music Theory and Composition, and the other in Piano Pedagogy and Accompanying. But through my journey as a full-time piano technician, I discovered something even bigger — how this craft opens doors.

Tuning pianos has led me to work with local musicians, build lasting relationships, and even land unexpected opportunities like joining a Celtic band called Keltricity simply because I serviced a band member’s piano. These experiences have shown me how piano service isn’t just a technical skill; it’s a gateway to meaningful connections in the music world.

That’s why CLSC Piano Service exists — not just to provide expert piano care, but to help musicians discover these same opportunities and strengthen the local music community as a whole.

Christian has serviced pianos for:

  • The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts

  • The Louisville Palace

  • The University of Louisville’s School of Music

  • Centre College

  • Indiana University Southeast

  • Bellarmine University

  • Kentucky Country Day School

  • Broadway Baptist Church

  • Walnut Baptist Church

  • Ascension Lutheran Church

  • Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

  • Countless schools, churches and client’s pianos

Want to see what else Christian does? Click the button below to visit his website CLSCMusic.com